Tribute to Grandma Judy
18-minute play time (with music)

Windows Media Quicktime (mpeg-4)
Very Low (32MB)

Med (104MB)

Super High (398MB)
Very Low (37MB)
Low (57MB)
Med (87MB)

Very High (188MB)
Collins Family Photos

For most PCs with a cable or DSL (broadband) Internet connection, the easiest way to watch the presentation is to click on the "High" link in the "Windows Media" column above  (Note that Macs will require a selection from the Quicktime column.)  After a minute or two delay, the movie should start playing.  However, if you prefer to watch the presentation in the best quality, select the "Super High" link; The delay will be 10-15 minutes (well worth it!), but you can leave your computer and replay without delay upon returning.  Alternatively, you can download the entire presentation to your computer disk for immediate viewing any time by following the instructions below.

The best strategy to view the presentation is to download the media file by right-clicking on an entry in the table above and saving the file to a folder on your computer.  If you are unfamiliar with folders, after right-clicking choose "Save Target As" and select "Desktop" and then click the "Save" button to start the download.  After the download completes, you can click "Open" to play it, or if that doesn't work, go to your desktop and double-click the movie icon that starts with the name "judy".

This table (below) duplicates the table above and adds techincal specifications for the media files.
Windows Media Quicktime (mpeg-4)
Very Low (32MB,441Kbps,320x240)

Med (104MB,1.51Mbps,640x480)
High (126MB,2.01Mbps,640x480,WMV v7,Stereo,44KHz,128Kbps)

Super High (398MB,4.22Mbps,1280x720,WMV v9 Pro,Stereo,48KHz,192Kbps)
Very Low (37MB)
Low (57MB,424Kbps,512x288,MPEG4,30FPS,Stereo,48.0KHz)
Med (87MB,651Kbps,720x400,MPEG4,30FPS,Mono,44.1KHz)

Very High (188MB,1.44Mbps,944x528,MPEG4,30FPS,Stereo,48KHz)

(c) 2010  All material accessible from the links on this web page is copyrighted.